Thursday, January 28, 2010

Watch video while it still in download process

Hi guys,this is my first post on utip (my blog,of course,hehe).Today,I will show u guys a very cool trick to preview a short part (or long,it’s all depend on the downloaded datas of the file) of the video when it still in download process.Sorry for my bad English,I’m not a native speaker,hope that you can understand it.Well,I will devide this trick into 4 sections:

First,make sure you have all of these software installed on your computer ( you can find the download link at the bottom of this entry,they are FREE )

Utorrent,Dziobas Rar Player

I,Video is downloading by utorrent (or other prog that has the same function),video file was splitted by winRar:

First! Click on the file name and head to the files options below.Set “high priority” for the first and the last part.You can see the picture below.

Now,all you have to do is waiting until these 2 part are downloaded to the computer.Then,fire up the Dziobas Rar Player,choose fileàopen rar(rewind),and choose the first part (part 1).Now,You can see the beginning of the movie.hehe

II,Video is (still) downloading by utorrent BUT it wasn’t splitted (^_^!) (means that it’s a complete video with avi extension or so)
For this situation,there’s nothing you can do but wait.Hey,I don’t mean that you have to wait until it all downloaded to your PC :P .Just wait until the download-status bar reach about 20%.Then,lauch the Dziobas Rar Player to open the video file in the download folder,it WORKS!

III,Video is downloading by IDM BUT Splitted in to many files by Hjsplit (001,002…..)

It is easy to preview the first part the video that splitted by hjspit.i don’t know if u already know this trick.but let me show u how easy it is (again)

First,download the 001 file.then,delete the 001 extension (u can do it by rename the file)
Example: utip.avi.001àutip.avi
Now,u can view it by Dziobas Rar Player.

IV,Video is downloading by IDM but nothing splitted (the last one but the most common one)

IDM storred your video data in a temp folder before it rebuild the file.So,the solution here is that u head to that temp folder and open the first part of the video(easy,huh?)
U can get that temp folder location in IDMàoptionsàSave toàTemporary directory.

When u get to the folder,choose Dwndataà your username.In there,u will find many folder.IDM doesn’t named the folder the same name with the video clip so u may find it hard to see what r u want to watch (if u have many videos that still in download process)

There isn’t an easy way to search for the right video here (in my opinion).So,maybe u will want to check the folder size.

After u finded the video,open the first one (WHICH HAS CORRECT EXTENSION) by Dziobas Rar player.Other files cannot be played

That’s it! Hope u like the trick.



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