Thursday, January 28, 2010

Making portable software: the easy way.

If you have tried portable softwares before,you may ask your self: “how do they make it?” Right? We all know that portable softwares are very usefull: no installing,no waiting,no temp,working just like the “installed one”.All u have to do is click on it and..use it.So,if u still ask your self the question I mentioned above.This is exactly your place!
Yo!! It’s time to make your own portable software.It takes only a (few) minutes ( depend on your system speed.hehe) !

You will need: Multi Packer and the installed file of the program u want to make it portable on your system.

After installed Multi packer,launch it.You will see a big blue screen with 3 options.Choose the first option: Application pack” to make portable soft.

Then,u may want to add the files to pack them.Just head to the installed folder of the program by the folder-tree.After that,hit “add folder and its content.All files will be loaded at the other side of the program.Now,set the main Exe of the program ( u already know that,right?).Click,Next when u r done.
The next step will let u set the password for the exe file.u can skip it if not necessary by hit “next”.

So here we are at the end of the progress.U may want to choose where to store your new port app (browse).Click Creat to process the work.Thats it! Easy,right?


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